
Investment & Finance

Computer Science - Data Science & Technology

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Da 25 anni attivo nel settore della gestione degli investimenti finanziari e specializzato in Finanza Quantitativa, con avanzate competenze in Computer Science e tecniche di Data Science applicate alla Tecnologia Finanziaria.

Chi sono

Investor e Investment Specialist, Pompeo Pontone è un professionista che vanta 25 anni di esperienza nel settore della Finanza Quantitativa, nella valutazione e negoziazione dei Derivati Finanziari e nell’applicazione di tecniche di Data Science alle Tecnologie Finanziarie.

Notes & Insight

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Treasuries Selloff Goes Global as Benchmark US Yields Near 5%

Bond Rout Pushing Long-Term Rates Higher Keeps Markets on Edge US 30-year yield hits 5% while German 10-year rate reaches 3% Higher US yields starting to disrupt‧‧‧

How Safe Is Your Password?

How Safe Is Your Password?

The best practices for creating secure passwords are: A password should be 16 characters or more; our password-related research has found that 45 percent of Americans use‧‧‧

Quantum computing impact on encryption systems

Quantum computing impact on encryption systems

One of the most important quantum computing algorithms, known as Shor’s algorithm, would allow a large-scale quantum computer to quickly break essentially all of the encryption systems‧‧‧